Friday, July 24, 2009

Two new Aule opened today: Prolog and AADD

Today an Aule on the Prolog logic programming language opened at

At the same time we opened the informative Aule for Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. An Aule browser is intended to facilitate organized note-taking: we will be extending this Aule to make it suitable for tackling the 27 issues outlined on its opening page.

Watch for Aule browsers for advancing Alzheimer's, varieties of Autism and Asperger's and for memory deficits associated with CHT (closed-head trauma.) The latter is especially significant for returning servicemen whose body armor allowed them to survive concussive blasts consistent with long-term CHT issues.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How To Aule now at

We now have a How-To Aule at

We include the sites

If you have a site to suggest, please contact me as robert AT or post a comment here.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Tcl Aule at

There are two links at the Tcl Aule that might interest anyone who ever used Tk with Ruby or Python: they are links to Tcl and RDF and also to the XOTcl IDE (XOTclIDE) which is modeled on Squeak Smalltalk.

Friday, July 17, 2009

new Python links at aule-browser

The link at logiquewerks now points to a much more complete Aule example for Python.
Every button is now python specific. This arangement of button son bars is entirely arbitrary: it could be whatever you chose to generate for the occasion or need.

There is of course wxHTML in wxPython with various articles on the web about its use.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Aule Browser group at Yahoo! Groups

There is now an Aule Browsers group at Yahoo! groups: aulebrowsers.

Here was the first message to members:

At the moment all of the browsers are built on a WIndows XP SP3 using Curl 7.0 and IE 8
The browsers are tested in Opera, FireFox3, Prism and Chrome but to work properly they depend on IE being set as the default browser.

More options should come with Curl 8.0

For information on very restricted browsers see logiquewerks. com

For inforamtion on the Curl EmbeddedBrowserGrap hic see

http://developers. userdocs/ docs/en/api- ref/EmbeddedBrow serGraphic. html

The simplest wrapper is just an invisible frame which could have settings to prevent following web links sent in e-mail, prevent viewing iamges or prevent copying images. A fully locked-down browser would not have an address field for URL's. Most of our effor tis on the extended browser for research using and

Click to join aulebrowsers

Click to join aulebrowsers

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Aule browsers have a Google Group

There is now an Aule Browsers Google Group at

Aule browsers at

There is now an aule browsers group at with the url

Saturday, July 11, 2009

New Aule Browsers: subdomain listings

There is a new listing of Aule Browser subdomains over at the LogiqueWerks Aule Browser page.

Watch for news as note tagging proceeds for starting with the Wikipedia browser at

Note: to test the features of locked-down browsers (business internet browsers with restricted web access) it is necessary to add to the Curl Control Panel's Security tab using the Add Host button (upper-right corner of that pane.)

Note: to install or run some Curl demo's it is necessary to add
In a corporate setting these URL's would be those of secure corporate intranet licensed for Curl packages. The alternative is to use only digitally-signed Curl packages. For security details, visit

Friday, July 10, 2009 gets a new look

Our Aule Browser site has a new look.

Trying to give HTML-only its due ... now to show what Curl can do ...

And subdomains are starting to take shape: for Rack-O! for Rosetta Stone for Wikipedia

Work progressing on note-taking + Curl CSPD with

And CSPD is now built into the wikipedia browser at

Thursday, July 9, 2009

As the title of this post says, there is now an information site for Aule browsers at

The first two pages have basic information on Aule Browsers for parents and for law offices.

Pages with information on other restricted access browsers will follow: for county jails, halfway houses, group homes and psychiatric day wards among others.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Aule Browser arrives at

There is now an opensource Aule Browser project on

Areas to watch are generating Aule browser wrappers with the Seaside web framework and other templating and domain-specific language (DSL) and dialect issues for generating site-specific browsers (SSB) in the Curl programming language.

The Aule browser uses the Curl EmbeddedBrowserGraphic class and its related EmbeddedBrowserEvent class in a detached Curl desktop rich internet client application.

Curl is a mature and established client-side enterprise platform but as a web content language, Curl remains an alternative to HTML + JavaScript with separation from presentation style.