Here was the first message to members:
At the moment all of the browsers are built on a WIndows XP SP3 using Curl 7.0 and IE 8
The browsers are tested in Opera, FireFox3, Prism and Chrome but to work properly they depend on IE being set as the default browser.
More options should come with Curl 8.0
For information on very restricted browsers see logiquewerks. com
For inforamtion on the Curl EmbeddedBrowserGrap hic see
http://developers. userdocs/ docs/en/api- ref/EmbeddedBrow serGraphic. html
The simplest wrapper is just an invisible frame which could have settings to prevent following web links sent in e-mail, prevent viewing iamges or prevent copying images. A fully locked-down browser would not have an address field for URL's. Most of our effor tis on the extended browser for research using and

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