Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Curl and Drupal project at

[We had a Drupal CMS project for the Curl web-content language over at the former but the project is, as of August 2011, in abeyance.]

The existing Drupal framework uses HTML, but Drupal seems not as tightly coupled to HTML as other frameworks which otherwise pay attention to loose-coupling (the assumption that HTML is the only web-content language is rather like the assumption that RDF for semantic web is XML. Yes, it is one language ...)

Of course Python's Zope/Plone with its REStructuredText might be a better match to Curl. I am disappointed to see how some web frameworks are HTML to the bone: they would worry if that was so for XML. But XHTML does not seem to raise a concern. I now know how the Yaml folks must feel with all the attention to JSON. One exception so far: the old Http2View for Squeak Smalltalk looks easy to convert to Curl.

I was amused today to see some concerns about those myriad SOL files that Adobe FLASH and AIR like to stash away on our personal computers ... what I don't need are all of the directories for web sites I have not yet (yet? ) visited ...

1 comment:

  1. Scala's Lift framework proved to be the nastiest and of the older Smalltalk frameworks the most accessible for non-HTML output.
    I still ahve some hopes for Wicket.
