Monday, September 27, 2010

Swiki localhost for AniAniWeb as a personal home page.

AniAniWeb strikes me as a natural evolution of WikiWikiWeb.

But as a personal homepage, the Squeak Smalltalkers seem not to have tested on a mere netbook which is not itself running an SMTP mail server.

The reason that I note this is that setting up this Wiki as a home page requires that you simply login as 'admin' with a password  of 'password'.  Create your wiki.  But now try to use that swiki (read: edit those pages!)

The packagers did not realize that to edit, you must login, but to login you must be a user and that you can only become a user through responding to an e-mail with an e-mail.  But this is localhost on a netbook.  Ahem.

It would all be easy if they had admin:password as the values for a default user in a default XML file.  And that is in fact the solution that I offer here: place a file named 1.xml in the users folder of the default folder.

It is charming to  observe that for starters almost any garbage sufficed, because the swiki will attempt to re-write the file.  If sufficed to find which file placed where would cause the swiki to fail. And browsing the Smalltalk code helped. This is usually not a sign of secure software!  Without going through the amusing details, here is what will suffice:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<user name="admin">
<s name="password" type="text">password</s>
<s name="address" type="text"></s>
<s name="sendAlerts" type="boolean">false</s>
<s name="showModified" type="boolean">true</s>
Note that mail alerts are turned off, so the required email can be bogus.

N.B. do not save the file with a BOM (on Windows set the file's encoding using an editor such as Notepad++)

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