Friday, March 5, 2010

Kurt Schwitters' "Gesetztes Bildgedicht" in Curl

Over at the aule-browser site I have two Curl versions of Kurt Schwitters' 1922 visual poem.

The first is constructed of completely independent elements (excluding the enclosing frame) to facilitate an animated version.

The second is in slightly different Curl declarative style using the Curl border-spec option using instances of the BorderSpec class with each bordered internal frame.  In one instance this proved problematic and an apparently empty "frame" had to be given a right border to simulate a left border on the adjacent frame.

If you flip between the two as browser tabs you will see some minor layout variation which ideally would vanish by wrapping a contraint library (as with Alan Borning's original ThingLab.)

Other alternatives would include the use of a Curl grid or a Table or any of the above in a non-declarative or procedural style.

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