Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Paul Valéry "Le Cimetière marin" (1920) as a simple Curl {pre } block

Over at the aule-browser site I have placed a simple example of a French poem (Paul Valéry "Le Cimetière marin") in a bare Curl {pre } block with a {paragraph } format on a Curl DefaultDocument page.

The Curl browser plugin is required to view the poem.

The Curl page itself contains the poem - it is not loaded as a selectable resource - and the page is locked in as UNICODE utf-8.

Copy via "copy-paste select" has not been disabled - which is problematic as the poem is in public domain in Canada but may be under copyright in the jurisdiction from which the page visitor is browsing.

As it stands, the poem is not presented so as to allow an "in-place" bilingual translation comparison stanza by stanza let alone a comparison of translations.  A look-up lexicon is also not available as part of the page - say, by dbl-click on a word or line.

As it stands, no "in-page" annotations have been enabled.

There is a more complete presentation of the poem in Curl markup at the HTML home page for where several poets are featured.

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