Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Curl markup: marginal glosses for Galileo's Starry Messenger

Over at there is now a link to a Curl markup of Galileo's Starry Messenger (or Sidereal Messenger or Sidereus Nuncius) of 1610.

The onerous task was restoring the marginal glosses. When the text of a volume at Wellesley College was scanned into Google Books, the resulting PDF is quite readable but slow to load and includes a text by Kepler.  When text is extracted from the PDF, the result is a terrible mess due to the scanning of the marginalia.

The glosses are now restored using Curl markup with a custom definition of a text procedure {gloss } but they are not yet located in the margins next to the related text: they are in the margin immediately before the text.

Links to a few of the most significant glosses are at the top of the first page

The Curl runtime browser plugin (the Surge RTE) is required to view Galileo's text.  The illustrations will be restored at a later date.

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