I find it helps to tell the Curl Surge® RTE plugin manager ( its icon is green with the "C" curls on your active programs bar) that , as a GENERAL option, it does not need to "force" resynchronization of applets. That way you can start, say, the Henshall applet and the Joyo applet in different tabs and run both off-line. I run Henshall with English OFF and go up from below but in another tab run the JOYO but coming down from the high end of the list with English set ON.
The Curl Surge® RTE icon (when plugin virtual machine running )
The Surge® RTE "General" tab
Remember: if you want to skip down into the JOYO applet to check the English of a Kanji shown in the Henshall applet, you can use the inner right button to "jump back up" to where you had been previously. You can do the opposite to check your memory of one of the later kanji in the set.
For a different set of kanji in a different order or presentation, just make a request in a comment below or in an email to infoATaule-browser.com where that 'AT' is our usual email '@'.
Here is an image of the new Joyo applet:
Of the buttons at the top, the outer "arrow" buttons move faster but not as fast as the control panel arrows on either side of the bottom index entry field.